Academic Achievement

Student Progress Reports/Report Cards

  • Report Cards are issued three times during the school year.  The first report card is issued during Parent/Teacher conferences in the Fall. Report Cards are also issued in March and June.
  • The ABC Unified School District uses a Standards-based report card in grades K-6.  These report cards reflect each student’s progress toward learning the skills required at the end of the school year.
  • Progress Reports are sent home at the teacher's discretion 6 weeks prior to report cards.  Students who are performing below grade level standards will receive Progress Reports at these times.
  • We encourage parents to schedule a conference any time there is a need during the year.
  • Teachers will meet with parents of students who are having difficulty learning and performing at grade level to review their progress.  Pupil Promotion and Retention (PPR) forms are signed at each of these meetings. Parents may also be invited to attend a Student Study Team meeting to discuss the student’s achievement or social adjustment.

Education is a partnership between school and home.  You will receive the homework policy for your child's classroom either before or at Back To School Night.  Please make sure your child is successful at school by doing the following:


Homework should provide essential practice in needed skills, build good work habits, and promote growth in responsibility.  Homework should be evaluated fairly and/or used in the daily program.

Good homework assignments should have a valid purpose, grow out of school lessons, and the work can be adapted to individual needs and capacities.


If you have a question about your child’s homework please make sure that you contact the teacher.


Failure to complete or turn in homework assignments in a timely manner frequently results in poor grades, detentions, Homework Alerts, and Behavior Reports, and shows lack of responsibility.  Help your child develop the responsible study habits that they will need as they move to higher educational settings in the future.